What does Revelation 22: 18-19 mean?

There were 2 repliers who caught the attention of the author Winston Kayanan (from the Philippines), commenting on his Q & A re: “Why did God install Revelations to be last in the Bible?” The first one said that the author misinterpreted Rev. 2, thereby violating the above rule (Rev. 22: 18-19). And the other one said that the author has a huge imagination but has no talent in interpretation. Please then allow the author to counter & expound of what this subject means.

In the same Revelation 22, verse 6 says: “. . . the Lord God who inspires the prophets has sent his angel to show his servants what must happen.” And in verse 10, it says: “. . . Do not keep secret the prophetic words of this Book because the time is near.” In other words, the author who has accurately & perfectly interpreted the prophetic words in Daniel 7 (in June 2004), Genesis 1-3 (in September 2011), 2nd Peter 2-3 (in October 2011) & Revelations 1-22 (in November 2011) has been circulating to many in the net re: the true meaning of the 4 prophetic words as to what had happened, has happened & will happen and hence, the author has not violated verses 6 & 10. But since the first replier used Rev. 22: 18-19 to the author, it is obvious that they did not understand this rule.

Since the author holds a powerful technology, i.e., anchored in inducing PHOTOSYNTHESIS in the soil against global warming & climate change, would people believe that God is behind the author in working out His pre-conceived plan? Surely his scientific method could warrant that it can save man & earth in just a short period of time versus the long-term projection of UN’s idol, carbon emission reduction, unfortunately having no guarantee of certainty. In the past, the author challenged world authorities & the scientific community with regards to their deepest scientific knowledge in tackling our ailing earth but they could not seemingly think a counterpart better than the author’s solution. Instead the world continued to ignore the laws on nature and pursued to favor the world’s idol. In this case, do people think that man knows more than his Creator?

If Nostradamus said: “In one night, trees that have long withered will go green again”, what does this mean? The author asked many people to answer the riddle but they could not. Since no one can, the right answer is simply PHOTOSYNTHESIS. In other words, the world is going towards a wrong direction while the author was in the right path. It was God who pushed the author to write based on natural sciences, not on politics & economics. Would the world’s indifference & ignorance be already an act of disobedience to God’s eternal & universal laws? Yes it is. That is why Jesus Christ through his apostles warned people of man’s future destruction when the time comes as it will be judged by God similar to Noah’s & Lot’s time. And that is why God is intervening & revealing Him self because of the world’s major fault, i.e., the perversion of God’s creations.

If the author knows something superior & greater which people don’t have, God must have chosen him. The fact that the author was able to decode Daniel 7 in just 2 minutes on June 28, 2004 this would mean that the author is God’s receiver & holder of TRUTH. Since the Spirit of God provides the truth, no one can receive it (see John 14: 17) unless God has chosen a mortal helper (see John 15: 26). It is evident that the first replier was talking nonsense, i.e., without divine qualification, because the Spirit of Truth never came upon them. The knowledge obtained by the author comes from God while the knowledge of clergies & non-clergies comes from the Catholic Church, not from God. Since the author had earlier disproven the Church’s interpretations in Daniel 7 & Genesis 1-3, in conclusion, all theological interpretations of the Catholic Church on the prophetic words in the Bible are false, being invented & fabricated. In Luke 11: 52, it says: “A curse is on you, teachers of the Law, for you have taken the key of knowledge. You yourselves have not entered & you prevented others from entering.” As proof, the Church’s commentaries have mocked the Bible by saying: “Do not take the word literally.” With the perversion of the word of God, they became false prophets and, as consequence, they have made many atheists & agnostics. This explains why God is attacking the Catholic Church in Rev. 2 because of their failure in watching over themselves and God’s people. As for the second replier, requiring talents to interpret, this is simply a denial of God’s cause and hence, man’s intelligence exists only in the mind, and not as a basis of truth.

One who received the TRUTH will be the mortal helper He will uncover the lie of the world, show clearly what its sin has been, what the way of righteousness is & how judgment has come (see John 16: 8). As interpreter & revealer of God’s word, the author is not a hearer or listener and hence, Rev. 22: 18-19 is for his audience.

Eclectic Heretic2011-12-12T10:02:21Z

Favorite Answer

Quick "revelation" for you. Nobody reads that kind of "Wall-O-Text". So you aren't going to get any worthwhile answers until you can get this down to a (short) paragraph or two.
Blessings on your Journey!

Jennifer Divonna2011-12-12T09:56:43Z

Look. I am an atheist. But I still enjoy debate.

Try writing your questions in such a way that they might be read. You have a brain (I assume) use it.


You already answered your own "question". You've already determined what you believe so there is no point in asking.