Has the Catholic Church failed God & Christ?
Contrary to the Catholic Church’s false interpretations of God’s prophetic words like Daniel 7, Genesis 1-3, 2nd Peter 2-3 & Revelations 1-22 (that were fraudulently constructed & developed by many theologians, philosophers, historians, Bible scholars & experts), the making of their claims originated only from theistic theories within the framework of rational understanding.
In truth, Revelations, according to the author Winston Kayanan from the Philippines, pertain to the FINAL JUDGMENT of God. It is a judgment of the end of time that is related to the coming of the Son of Man. It will be so dreadful because 50% of the world’s population will perish (per interpretation of Matthew 24: 40-41) since this generation has shown the greatest disobedience of all time in history where God’s universal & eternal laws were perverted & insulted. This judgment became the product of the Catholic Church’s failure to keep & maintained Jesus Christ’s last instruction to Peter (John 21: 15-16), i.e., “feed my lambs” & “look after my sheep.” In this vein, the Church is responsible for this judgment since it has never taken seriously the salvation of people.
Revelations 2-3 talk about our Lord Jesus Christ who has prosecuted the Catholic Church before God. The following are Christ’s bases (7 actual sins) for seeking God’s judgment against the Church, to wit:
a. Church of Ephesus – Wrath (Rev. 2)
Given Clue: “Yet it is in your favor that you hate the doings of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.”
b. Church in Smyma – Envy (Rev. 2)
Given Clue: “I know your trials and your poverty: you are rich indeed. I know how you are slandered by those who pretend to be Jews but who are, in fact, of the synagogue of Satan.”
c. Church in Pergamum – Gluttony (Rev. 2)
Given Clue: “Some among you hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak how to make Israelites stumble by eating food sacrificed to idols & committing adultery.”
d. Church in Thyatira – Lust (Rev. 2)
Given Clue: “. . . this woman who calls herself a prophetess & is deceiving my servants; she teaches them prostitution & the eating of food sacrificed to idols. I have given her time to repent but she is unwilling to leave her prostitution. So I am going to throw her onto a bed & inflict severe trials on her partners in adultery . . .”
e. Church in Sardis – Sloth (Rev. 3)
Given Clue: “I know your worth: you think you live but you are dead. Wake up & strengthen that which is not already dead.”
f. Church in Philadelphia – Pride (Rev. 3)
Given Clue: “. . . if he opens, nobody shuts and if he shuts, nobody opens.”
g. Church in Laodicea – Avarice (Rev. 3)
Given Clue: ”You think you are rich & have piled up so much that you need nothing, but you do not realize that you are wretched & to be pitied, poor, blind & naked.”