What do women want? Please tell us so we can give it to you. Can you list three things?


Favorite Answer

1. Respect
2. Stability
3. Good sex


1. You to always be there for them, be reliable
2. To have a sense of humor, well most women want that, it's okay if you have none though
3. Just to show that you care. A random flower bouquet or just saying I love you every now and then means so much to us. Because it feels good to be reassured we are still everything you want.


A cuddler


1. Confidence. (Treat her with respect & make her laugh)
2. Self control. (Keep your hands to yourself at all times)
3. Challenge. (Don't be like every other guy who calls within 48 hours. Wait 4-5 days. Be honest, but give vague answers like James Bond. Don't tell her you like her, SHOW her with your actions. Only call her to ask for a date that you already planned for 6-7 days ahead)


We're all different!

I want someone who has time for me and who spends a good bit of time with me.

I want someone who shares most of the same core values.

I want someone who is affectionate and likes sex (well, this isn't difficult to find in a guy!).

I have to have someone who is honest and who doesn't distance himself from me if we disagree, but who will talk with me about whatever he things regarding the problem, and who will come to compromise with me if we can't agree.

I like someone gentle.

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