Is my SKS enough for shtf scenario?

It's Chinese. Black polymer sporting stock, although reminiscent of an AK towards the front end. Compact 6-power scope. 7.62 X 39 of course. very light and handy. I have schloads of the goofy detachable hi-cap mags, and 3000 rounds of ammo. Could I do better without spending a fortune, if I used the SKS in a trade?


Thanks to everyon that answered, I feel a little better about my choices. Between my Colt .45, 870 riot gun and SKS, I guess I have. what most of you suggest already Eddie. I did look at a Garand. Just a parts gun. nothing matched. I passed at $600. Oh and my SKS is machined, not stamped.


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if you can convert it to take AK mags instead (it's not hard) it would be better suited for a variety of SHTF situations. from longer range (300 yards) defense to a shoot out defending your home or around your property from multiple hostiles.

and get some more ammo, with semiautos 3k rounds isn't very much. if you live in the suburbs you could easily expend 3k rounds in a week.

you can probably upgrade to a Norinco MAK-90 Sporter with a milled receiver in very good condition if you use your SKS ($350) + $400 cash. then you'd have an all-around general purpose combat/defensive/hunting (under 100 yard) rifle. AK's shoot best with mil surp ammo, such as Yugo surplus. when surplus becomes available again stock up on it. cheap to shoot for range time, save the non-corrosive stuff for later, and military ball is extremely reliable.

alternatively drop $200-$250 on a used Mossberg 500 or 590 so you'd have a good close range defensive weapon too.


Interesting question. I have recently been a little worried about the possibility of a violent civil out break and have been doing a little investigation on what fire arms are good to have for various reasons. I'm not sure what shtf means but, I think an sks is a good reliable powerful rifle, 10 rounds wouldn't make me feel as comfortable as 30 personally but if you know how to use it that would be fine for like a hunting or sniping situation. I think a nice shot gun and a sidearm would be nice too.

Son of a Gun2012-02-08T18:43:56Z

The SKS and that much ammo will be certainly better than just a lower powered pistol, or no gun at all, but a 12 gauge shotgun is a more useful cheap gun for SHTF in my opinion. There are many different types shells (or slugs) available for many different purposes. Pump Shotguns are cheap and very reliable. A Mossberg 500 will run you $220. A Remington 870 is about $300. A good shotgun and about 3000 assorted shells (Slugs, Buckshot, Birdshot) would be quite useful.


Not really. I mean there are better rifles in 7.62x39 than the SKS. But we sometimes forget about all of the accoutrement that a weapon requires. You could probably move the scope to a different weapon, and you can certainly reuse the ammo, but you won't be able ot reuse the magazines. Also, if you migrate to something that can use the ammo, what would it be? A Ruger Mini-30? Solid weapon and a legit SHTF option, but a bit difficult to mount your scope on. Maybe a CZ VZ58 (if you can find one, looks like they were discontinued a few years ago), maybe a Saiga?

Any of those are possible upgrades over your Chinese SKS, but people who have those are likely to want to take your SKS in trade, so that means a secondary scale to fund the new purchase.

My suggestion? If you want to augment your arsenal for the unexpected, then just save the cash, keep your gear and buy something else when you have the money. It sounds like you put some thought into setting it up, and you've got the right accessories around it. Sure you aren't going to be driving nails at 200 yards, but plenty of people take deer every year with something like the set up you have and that setup has dealt with millions of terrorists, insurgents, freedom fighters, and oppressors around the world. Given that most SHTF scenarios involve needing to hunt for food and use a weapon for self defense that will work fine.



If the SHTF, your SKS will be plenty useful. Unless you are going to hire yourself out as a sniper..that is a different weapon need. Learn all you can about the weapon and go to training classes to learn about yourself with a weapon in your hands.

I really don't see the need for a scope on a weapon that is really only accurate to 150-200 rds. Get better glasses. The neat thing about the SKS is that it is sort of like a Glock pistol, it takes a beating and still drops rounds down range.

If you want another weapon, like others have said, save up for another weapon. I also agree you should have close proximity weapons as well; shotgun/pistols/knives/machete/etc.

How are you going to lug around 3000 rds of ammo? Unless you live in a structure that is built like a fort that much ammo in one place will probably be something a marauding scavenger(or zombie) will enjoy.

I guess in my mind, in case of SHTF, I want to be as invisible as possible to stay under the radar and unless the enemy is within 100 yds I am not going to engage but, evade.
If there is a need for another type weapon I guess it would be one that loads a bit faster but, with practice you can be as fast as a clip change(remember you are not pullling any thing out just slamming in). For the money...SKS and stripper clips already loaded and accessible(various locations) will cover me for a while.

Beyond that, I'm joining forces...or going down.
Good luck

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