For the past summer I've been staying up till like 3am and then I'd crash and wake up at like 12 which I was fine with but now when I try going to sleep at 1 trying to get my normal sleep schedule back, I'll lay there for hours and end up not even sleeping that night till 8 in the morning? Then I'd sleep till 4pm and its kinda scaring me cause it's never been THIS BAD.

I think it's my mind, I'm always thinking about something but it's never been a problem before.

I've tried showering before bed and relaxing every night and I drank like 5 glasses of warm milk once, I've tried counting sheep and thinking of what I want to dream of, nothing worked.

It's currently 5:30am and I can't sleep, I feel tired but I can't sleep. Like always. What should I do?


Favorite Answer

I have the exact same problem I said to my self that today I will go to sleep early to get back to my normal schedule but I can fall asleep I have been
Aging in my bed for so many hours sooo bored and upset that I can't fall asleep. Maybe try putting a alarm on for the morning and wake up early even though you haven't slept and then go to sleep at like 8 at night maybe it will work


instead of eventually falling asleep and sleeping until around 12, try setting an alarm for the regular time you would wake up and then try going to sleep at the time you normally go to bed