Stressed about school?

Okay, so last year i applied to a private school. I got accepted and I really wanted to excel in this school. At my old school, all our tests, quizzes, projects,etc. were super easy , and we rarely had essays, homework, etc. At my old school i got extremely stressed about finals exams; it was awful. But throughout the whole year, the only thing that stressed me were finals. But now [at my new school], we have boat loads of homework, essays, projects, tests, etc. We started school at the end of August, and so far i am doing great, but the amount of projects and assessments keep on coming. I am really stressed, what can i do?

creatively me!!2012-10-27T13:44:01Z

Favorite Answer

I know how you feel, im in school too and all that work can be stressful. I think you shouldnt stress yourself out so much because it could reflect in your grades, atleast thats what happened to me. So then i just tried to relax myself and not wait until the last minute to do assignments because that could stress you out also especially if its do the next day. Dont worry you will do fine i think your just worried you wont be able to keep your grades up. Also make sure you study everyday thats how i keep my grades up which also helped me get into the beta club. Good luck!


Talk to the teachers. Try to use your time wisely. Focus on what needs to be done first.Use a planner so you know what is due.All students go through the stress of a heavy work load.Buddy up with other people.