If you believe in global warming?

and that this will cause the earth to flood and also that there has never been a global flood with the drastic changes of earth's temperature over its history aren't you contradicting yourself?


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No cause God promised Noah that he would not destroy the world by flood


What do you mean "if."

Global warming is a fact. I paid $5000 to fix my house that was sinking into melting Permafrost (I live in the Yukon). You can see the effects of Global Warming all over the place here.

A new, and extremely thorough study shows the amount of ice that has melted. Since 1996, enough to raise the Sea Level some 22mm (just under 1").

These are facts. The big question is, what is man's role in all this? Was it us that changed the climate, or, is this natural, or, a bit of both?

The most recent huge gathering of scientists concluded that humans have a hand in it. For some reason, many in the USA don't believe it. When I was a tour guide here, I would show them the places where you can actually see Global Warming. Places with fringe climates show it first.


Rising sea levels are not the same as a global flood. we can know from sediments and other aspects of geology and oceanography that the sea levels have changed with rising or falling temps. In the 4.54 billion years i do not believe there has ever been a global flood....although for all we know the proto Earth planets may have been flooded globally. my point is no serious scientists believes that climate change is going to cause a global flood.


it is one thing to say that melting glaciers will cause sea levels to rise ten twenty, a hundred feet, and another to say that there was one global flood, deep enough to cover Mount Everest, which is more than 29,000 feet (Five miles).

Science says it took millions of years,for plate tectonics to cause the Himalayas to be pushed up, so that what once was a sea floor, is now mountains.

The Funnymentalcase Christians claim that, since the Bible says the mountains were covered, and since the Earth is less than eight thousand years old, the sea shell fossils found on mountains were put there by the Flood.


I can and have observed climate change, which is currently expressed as a warming tend. Reduced amounts of terrestrially supported ice is causing a measurable increase in sea level which will erode shoreline slightly faster and cover some of the lowest areas.

The bigger problem will be invasive species and changing rainfall patterns that will affect economies and food production.

Geologic evidence indicates very clearly that drastic and relatively rapid temperature changes have occurred many times in the past, and actually we are still in an ice age... but it is one of several interglacial periods that have happened in the last 2 million years. However, there is no indication in the global geologic record consistent with a single event that covered all land with water in the same time period. In fact, there are a number of places like Iron Mountain in the Missouri Ozarks that the geologic evidence suggests have never been submerged.

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