Why is this guy playing with my daughter emotions?

My Daughter is at an out-of-state College, and had met this guy who is in a Fraternity who seemed to like her, this was last summer. When my then 21 year old daughter come home from school, this guy tells my daughter he would like to visit with her for a few days over the summer. The young man come to our home, and seemed very polite, confident and very smart, with bright plans for his future. I was really pleased with this young man, and was impressed that he would spent so much money and time to drive to another state to see my daughter. I hit it off with this young man immediately, and liked the way he treated my daughter. My daughter who was a virgin ended up giving herself to this young man. She was invited to be with him during the summer break for a couple of weeks, which she did go. Then when school started they continue to date, but a few months into the relationship, he started saying he needed a break to focus on his education, and on Fraternity business which he is in charge of at the College. My daughter became saddened by this, and didn't understand. He gave her a friendship bracelet, saying that it was a promise they would get back together. Those who knew this guy really well at the College told my daughter, that he was known to get tired of whoever he dates quite quickly and moves on to another girl. He assured my daughter this was not true, but she saw him at parties with girls separately dancing on him sexually. He assured her that he's not seeing them. He was still intimate with my daughter during this break. Then people would tell my daughter they seen him with this girl and that girl at the stores, in his car, at his house and etc., Finally they officially broke it off completely when he admitted that he sleeping with a wannabe sorority girl (who are not official sorority sisters at all), that the Frats party with. My daughter was devastated. She cried all the time over him, and how hurt she was. Anyway he is now with this wannabe sorority girl for a couple of months now. He claims my daughter is the fault for the break up because she never trusted him, and listened to other people. But what choice did she have when she saw things with her own eyes also. Anyway his friends who have become very close with my daughter have told her that this guy still thinks of her, that he talks about her to them, and says after College is over (he graduates and my daughter) that he wants to get back with her. One of their friends says when he brings up my daughter name this guy gets quiet. One day at an event at his house that my daughter went to with her friends, he walks over to her with a catalog book that was sent to his address that belong to the store, and tells her to look at it. She looks at it and it had Mrs. ( his last name on it) , and smiles at her. My daughter was beginning to believe what those told her was true, that he still wanted her. Now she finds out that the girl he is seeing has stayed the spring break with him at his home. What is this guy doing to my daughter, if you are about to get back with my daughter, why has he made no attempts to let this other girl down easily, instead this will make him and this other girl closer? What should I do this hurts me to see my daughter so hurt? any advice.


Favorite Answer

he is a player, and he is playing a game. if it wasn't your daughter being used by him, it would be someone else's daughter. she needs to understand that he may come back to her, but only for a brief moment in time. he will use her again, move on again, and no doubt try to return again. the only way for her to end the hurt is find some closure by moving on. doesn't have to mean moving on to a new guy, although that would certainly help, but moving in the sense of slowly and gradually eliminating him from her life. she should also know that what he did to her, he will soon do to the girl he is with now. it isn't her that is in the wrong, she did nothing to deserve this. other than being with the wrong guy for her.


He sounds a lot like the same stuff i would say or do, 1st problem he is a guy 2nd she is a girl, i have no problem going out of state to meet up with a girl meet her parents, its not hard to make parents love you specially if you have "everything going for you" job, car, future, blah blah blah , easy to do, i recently just broke up with a girl i have done this with, i move on from girls fast too, he is doing this becuase he is a young male, its what we do, tell your daughter to 1. dont be so close to her mom, and 2 steel her heart and focus on her life not him


Mom.. your girl is growing up. This isnt soccer.. let her deal with it and stop over thinking it like it happened to you . go with the flow. Tell her you are here if she WANTS TO TALK.
DONT PRESS and let her decide on her own.. NOT YOU BUTTTTT OUTTTTT


Cause your daughter is a whore just like you