It seems like everyone HATES me? Why?

I've always had a hard time making friends, I was pretty much bullied kindergarten through 10th grade. I ended up dropping out cause of social anxiety as a result of bullying. I've seen therapists and been on meds- nothing helps!

My boyfriend moved our kids and I to a new town, 2 hours away from our hometown cause of his job. I absolutely hate it here! Two years and not one friend- it doesn't help that this town is so clique-y. It's a small town it seems like if you weren't born here NOBODY gives a rats *** about you. It also seems like EVERYONE hates me, nobody has given me a chance and they are all sooo mean with their stares, glares, and judgement. I feel so depressed! What can I do to get over this hurdle in my life?? I need a friend someone to give me advice!

Any advice? Please don't be mean with your comments and DON'T judge.


Favorite Answer

If its any help, I find it hard to make friends. Maybe join a hobby club or something? What activities are going on locally?

Find something to attend and just be you. Facebook gives a false impression of friendship these days, dont let that be your judge!


The only way your going to meet or make friends, is thru your children? Children are a gateway to lots of happenings like..sports, festivals, school activities the list goes on. And dont say you cant handle this, if you cant..Then you have no hope whatsoever of making friends. Forget your childhood past, and think ahead, and what you can do for yourself, its there right in your household, use it.