Do you think Hollywood will make an movie based on the tragic events in Boston?


@ Al Capone, yes I am very concerned about what is going on in Boston, I am very worried about the situation, I am not asking this question for some kind of joke, because I remember after 9/11, movies were made based on the tragedy events such as Flight 11 for example.


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This has actually gone through my mind while following the coverage. The events are so dramatic. So it wouldn't surprise me.


It certainly sounds like one, especially the way it is ending. I would be surprised if it didn't become the subject of a movie.


No. They haven't made films about tragic events except the sinking of the Titanic and wars.


Don't they always capitalize on such tragedies?

I'll never watch it.


Keifer Sutherland is on the phone to his agent as we speak

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