Good arguments for eugenics?
What are the best arguments in favor of performing eugenics?
Convince me.
What are the best arguments in favor of performing eugenics?
Convince me.
Favorite Answer
Stop stupidity on a mass scale. Below average IQ people should be financially compensated for sterilization.
Andy and Suzanne M
The best arguments for eugenics were those used by Progressives in the U.S. and Europe in the beginning of the 20th century. The basic argument was that since western nations welfare programs were preventing evolution from improving the human race, and in fact were reversing the effects of evolution by encouraging and supporting "inferior races" and "defectives" desire and ability to have many children, progressive organizations (like Planned Parenthood) and governments needed to step in and either sterilize by force (NC did this, not sure what other US states or other governments) or kill off inferiors or those who couldn't be reformed (Communist USSR, Communist China, Nazi Germany, Vietnam, Cambodia).
Fortunately for humanity, these arguments were thoroughly discredited due to the evil of those who argued them.
Andy F
I'm sorry, but I think Hitler gave this kind of thing a really bad name.
"VOLUNTARY" self-eugenics, maybe I could support.
If you decide that you, yourself, are an unfit human being and shouldn't be trying to continue your family's gene line, then please decide not to have children.
When you try to make the decision for other people from other gene lines, however, you're going to end up committing genocide, or grotesque crimes against other people that are just as unattractive.
One cynical answer to your challenge is to say that a really effective eugenics program might remove people like YOU from the gene pool. But that's cheap ad hominem rhetoric, so let me retract it.
I do think that a reasonable argument could be made that if you favor eugenics in the form of restricting the breeding of other people, you're potentially unfit genetically to be a cooperative member of society.
When you feel compelled to make war against your neighbors, supposedly on genetic grounds, maybe the rest of us should take some kind of measures to remove you from the breeding population, simply in self-defense. But I think that logic puts us all on a fairly hateful road toward social & political atrocities: I think we all need to pull back from it.
Obama-no-care loves it. More money for low intelligent votes.