If you "sell in May and go away", when are you traditionally supposed to buy back in?
I've only heard the "sell" part, not when the market usually picks up again. Just wondering if there's a flipside to this saying, as in "when to buy". Not that things have gone traditionally the past few years...
Eddie W2013-06-21T18:55:15Z
Favorite Answer
'Sell in May and go away' is only the first 1/2 part of the slogan. The second 1/2 part gives you the answer - 'Don't come back until labour day'.
Anyone that just tries to time the market like that will lose out. You will end up buying alot higher then you expected, or you will hit in right one year then next year completely miss a huge rally.
Trying to time the market is a waste of time (heh). The only time-related strategy that is likely to pay off is "buy and hold" - if you hold long enough!