How can I get back to the older version of Yahoo Answers?

This new version sucks. Is there a way to return to the original version ?

Ð〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ Ƭᖇ〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ2013-09-14T09:36:44Z

Favorite Answer

To revert to the old version of Y! Answers then:

a) clear the cookies on your browser you are using and this will likely revert you back to the old version


b) go to "International" on the left hand side, and use one of the other English language sites sites e.g. Canada, UK, NZ, Australia etc. However, I've seen comments from other people that the new layout is being rolled out to other internationals now e.g. New Zealand site, so this looks like being a temporary fix only


Up until recently the new version got only displayed on the US site of YA, apparently it is now also tested in other English speaking YA countries - saw the 1st report about it from NZ a few days ago. So far the UK site still has the old familiar design, maybe switch over there for the time being? If you want to try: click the UK flag at the bottom of this page - same content, old version, just make sure that you choose "all English questions" at the top of any category. That's what I've been doing since a couple of weeks already and it works like a charm...:-)

Also take a look at this thread on the Suggestion Board, it's where users can post problems with the new page. And there seem to be many, many problems:

Son of T32013-09-14T10:46:21Z

You might as well get ready for it. Soon everyone will have the new format as it is a Yahoo Corporate decision to go with the new format on all Yahoo pages. Read the blog page referenced. In the short run, you can try the international pages to see if they have switched.


go back to hell u cant change it cuz they made itlike that deal with it