Need quick answer. I sent an appeal to Yahoo! Answers. If the appeal is rejected, does it mean . . .?

that my account will be deleted?

Everything I read about the process before I submitted the appeal was that the penalty for a rejected appeal is 10 more points subtracted. I sent one because I didn't know why I had been reported and was hoping for a clearer explanation, so I don't make the same mistake again.

So I sent the appeal, and the next screen tells me that if the appeal was successfully submitted, the team will reply to it in the next 24 to 48 hours, and if they decide not to appeal, my account and my questions will be deleted.

If I had known that was possible, I would not have appealed. I don't want to lose my account. What should I do? Is there any way I can contact the Yahoo Answers people to explain my situation and save my account?

Thanks in advance.

Barkley Hound2013-11-03T17:07:55Z

Favorite Answer

That is just an error on that page. It has been brought up at the suggestion forum many times.

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Don't worry; your appeal is fine. If you are appealing a question or answer deletion and lose the appeal, you won't lose your account. Don't worry.

There has been a glitch lately where the Account Suspension Appeal Notice has been erroneously sent to those appealing a simple question or answer deletion. Oooops!

That's all it is, a glitch. If you lose the deletion appeal, you will lose an additional 10 points. That is, however, all you will lose.


Lately they've been sending out that message in error for violation appeals, it's supposed to be only if you are appealing a Suspension Notice.

So relax, you aren't in quite that much trouble unless the violation was especially severe (which I doubt), just try not to get any more violations and you should be fine.