Why do people think that the bible is the literal, infallible word of god?

Unless you can read ancient semitic languages, you have no idea what the bible actually says. Not to mention the various non-canon gospels that various authorities deemed incompatible with their agendas that you all pretend don't exist. So tell me, why do evangelicals put so much faith in the KJV? i mean, it was designed to be agreeable to a monarch. They couldn't get much more obvious about it's purpose, a thought suppression device. All of this information is readily available, and yet still, the rigid interpretation of a book of mistranslated stories edited by people with agendas is used by millions as serious spiritual framework...My question is why? Is critical though that hard for you?


Edit: Oh, you've read biased sources and indulged confirmation bias? Sorry champ, but that's not research. Of course, your in-depth answer and lengthy citations sure did give me pause for thought...


Edit: really? people met the author? Where'd they get the time machine? The bible was written by men. The louder they claim to be doing God's work while telling you who to hate, how much to give, etc., the less you should listen.

Thor is a loving God Too.2013-11-11T17:16:11Z

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There really isn't a nice way I can say it, so I better pass on this question.


No, your conceptions about it being a thought suppression device is being indoctrinated into you by people who want to set the world up for there purposes, like facists and monarchs. Theses people who want control over you see much danger with the Bible, because it stops facism and totalatarianism.

Jesus said He came not to bring peace, but a sword.

By the correct use of religion, Martin Luther King overthrew black suppression, Religion crumbled the USSR, Poland was liberated through catholicism and the solidarity movement. Ghandi liberated his people through religion.

There is a force in religion that ties people together, makes strong bonds, and gives hope. I am not trying to say that people can't pervert it, and wars can't be started through these perversions. But what I am saying is that somehow, the peaceful use of the correct spiritual texts in their purist form somehow topples dictators.

The is a power there, and it scares people who want or hold power for there own needs. They will try to indoctrinate into you all of the evil parts of religion that they can, try to get you to feel smarter or "greater than" these words.

Somehow, in these words, when wielded by honorable people, abusers of power melt away, sometimes even without a single gun shot.


I trust the Author so I also trust His book:)
(Personally I never did care for the lofty language of the KJV. I like The Message)

Apple of My Eye2013-11-11T17:22:04Z

Because each of the books in the bible had to pass seven tests to be accepted. Many groups of scholars read each manuscript from many religions, not just Christianity and tested them for authenticity. And as we see from the Dead Sea Scrolls, they were right.


I guess you know something that we Evangelicals don't know. I would draw from your letter that you have read ancient semitic languages hence your Conclusion (though Flawed). We are living in a free country, we can believe what we want, without approval from thinkers.

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