Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why? : "Christianity, then, is NOT the religion OF ...?

Full statement: "Christianity, then, is NOT the religion OF Jesus (as so many Christians think it to be) but the religion ABOUT Jesus, which is an entirely different matter." Do you agree or disagree and why? (Serious answers only please)


"religion OF Jesus..." means a religion based on that which Jesus lived by and followed, observed, whereas "religion about Jesus..." means a religion based in information ABOUT jesus, who he might have been or was, his life, what he might have done. "religion of..." means that religion which Jesus himself lived by.


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I do agree with that; thanks for asking it. It is more a religion about Jesus and not of Jesus. I like to focus on the face that Jesus worshipped God; never claiming that he was God or that he should be worshipped; and nothing of a trinity which some Christians believe. I mean it is that it is a religion in that they speak about him and claim to follow him, but what they are taught is not actually what Jesus lived for and did.


I'll be safe and say "a little of both?" probably more ABOUT Jesus because the religion kept on going strong after Jesus died, and so he couldn't really add to it. People were continuing to follow Judaism and so that had to have become mixed in. And then of course over the years, as it spread around the world, all kinds of things must have gotten mixed in. I don't think Jesus taught about Santa Claus and giving gifts at Christmas, but here it is. I'm sure you can get scholarly answers. I have recorded still on my TiVo a documentary called "From Jesus to Christ" and it's quite interesting as it traces the progress of Jesus's life and teachings and its end, and all the political stuff that was going on between the Romans and the Jews and the Christians, and then the Greeks getting involved. My my my. I don't think anything comes forth whole cloth when it comes to humans and their beliefs!!

I don't think it matters, anyway. Your religion is what they taught you when you were a kid. Then you can change it or not, but that's still in the back of your mind as "my religion."


not so sure it is about Jesus either.

It is a religion used to justify the accumulation of wealth, the hording of power, the impoverishment of many for the benefit of the few overlords. It was developed by the ROman empire into a religion that approved of conquest by force and of 'might makes right'

sorry to state it this way but these are the truths. You can't say "oh those earlier Christians DIDN'T UNDERSTAND the way we do today". They understood VERY VERY WELL. "They weren't real Christians." -- I love that one. So the ruthless tax collectors who built Chartres and Notre Dame and Koln, who paid the greatest architects and sculptors of the day to build these fantastic structures -- they were not 'real Christians" - I'm sure they would all be surprised to hear that.

By the way it is an Army of real Christians today that is leading the battle in the Middle East - many of the US Soldiers there are fiercely Christian and see the wars as a religious undertaking. Something fully supported by the Holy Book.


Christianity has nothing to do with Yahushua Ha Mashiach, His name was never jesus christ that is all from the rcc.
Ruth has it right they were called Nazarenes & all that Yahushua taught was about His Fathers Torah, not about Himself.
Torah is not judaism either. Some more man made theories & addition of 613 laws.


Definitely. When you read the words of Jesus as presented in the synoptic gospels it becomes clear hat he was preaching about something completely different. He was an apocalyptic preacher warning of a judgment that he thought would be coming very soon. All the dogma and theology of Christianity today was simply made up later by those who wanted a religion about Jesus.

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