Christians, how many of you would go out and start killing and raping if you lost your religion?

It's a common thing to hear about our morals, yet the vast majority of atheists are NOT killing or raping etc.

So I want to know, which of you are murderous rapists, only being held in check by a belief in a deity.


Favorite Answer

I have read right here many times that at least some would, Or so they themselves claim.


Peter: do you think that means dr.Dawkins thinks rape is morally acceptable? If so, then you have just answered the question with 'yes', and you should probably be incarcerated and/or castrated.


Simple Jack: "The atheist philosophy has no objective justification for any act being more/less moral than any other act".

Nor, in fact, does any other philosophy.


No one denies you can act morally.

What you can NOT do is *justify* your morals. The atheist philosophy has no objective justification for any act being more/less moral than any other act (as Peter already pointed out above).


I believe most atheists have pretty good morals and abide by what society expects

Mr E2014-01-27T01:03:57Z

what's that got to do with your eternal destiny?