What is my problem with atheists?

It's like this, I tell them evolution and the big bang only prove the bible is wrong not that God doesn't exist so they have no proof or even the slightest idea why God doesn't exist yet they tell me he doesn't and then not hear what I have to say. It's really immature. They should at least hear what I have to say.

Give me a debate! You haven't debated a theist like me before. If I told you my argument, you would know you wouldn't see it anywhere else. sharpcasey63@yahoo.com


K. plesner. You say there is no evidence of a God like I can't prove there is one. You wouldn't know. You have no reason not to believe God doesn't exist but tell me he doesn't exist. Interesting. You don't have a reason to believe God is an imaginary being. Screw the bible, you have no reason not to think God exists. I'm not saying that means God exists. What I'm saying is you won't think he does because you think you have a reason when you don't.

Space Wasp2014-02-22T09:39:47Z

Favorite Answer

Very few atheists would actually claim that evolution and the big bang have any relevance whatsoever to the existence of god, although they do show that a literal interpretation of the Bible is not correct.

It is the complete lack of evidence FOR the existence of any god that leads most people to atheism.


This is bound to be a scam, or a bizarre religious cult leader seeking to gain followers, but I'll respond. The big bang theory when it was first discovered was seen as proof that God did create the universe like in Genesis, and Christians use the big freeze theory, (as opposed to the big bounce theory, which I believe in), to prove that God must have created the universe because in that theory there needs to be a cause, and without God, no explanation is possible, in that theory, but that theory is likely wrong, even though it's the most popular.

With evolution, evolution is proven, and if you are a reasonable enough person that you don't take the bible literally, you can still be a Christian and believe in reality, to some extent.

I call the universe God, because it's eternal, it created us, and it is every word ever spoken, every dream, every thought, it is everything, forever, the end.


Yes, science PROVES the bible wrong, but there is no way to prove that a God non biblically doesn't exist. You also can't prove that he does. So you have yourself a little problem there don't you think? Don't you think it's a little immature to ignore those problems and to have such a closed mind about this subject? Watch the Ken Ham and Bill Nye debate. You'll realize why scientists can't debate creationist. You people just cover your ears and say "la la la, nope, it's god and you can't prove he doesn't exist which mean's he's 100% real"


>so they have no proof or even the slightest idea why God doesn't exist yet they tell me he doesn't and then not hear what I have to say. It's really immature. They should at least hear what I have to say.

Ok. Bring it.

Just remember the proof I have that your god does not exist, is the same proof you have that Inanna does not exist.

Ready when you are.

K. Plesner2014-02-22T01:14:25Z

With the limited time available to all of us, spending time discussing the possible existence of every imaginary thing would be nothing but a waste of time. This goes for all the thousands of gods invented by primitive man, the Loch Ness monster, unicorns, leprechauns, fairies, angels, demons, pixies, garden gnomes, centaurs and so on. There is exactly zero evidence for the existence of any of these. That is also the reason why they're imaginary.

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