Does the mailman have a right to demand me to clean up my dogs poop so he can walk across MY yard?
He walks up a cement path to my porch,puts my mail in my box, then instead of using the path to leave he walks off the side of the porch, over my plants and across my yard.
Gosh People Get a grip.This is one dog poo done by a dog on two feet of snow after 2 weeks without it melting. The dogs got to go somewhere. Mail man had worn a solid path in the snow and the poop was at least two foot away near a bush. I think he just did not want to see it. I'm not sure why but he took about 5 minutes of his precious time to show it to me and ask me to pick it up. And btw he had already delivered my mail and came across the street from another block to speak with me when I pulled into my driveway. So much for the saving time theory.He would take about 2 seconds to walk half a degree further away from the bush,
I would appreciate any sensible comments or information regarding this issue. To those of you who assume you know the conditions of my "disgusting" yard either 1 come visit, or 2 come walk through two feet of snow and pick up a poop or 3 keep your insults yourselves. I asked for an answer not a personal judgement.