How much longer will these hairbrained deniers think the Earth is cooling.?
Maybe I should copy and paste graphs like the deniers here do with no legend and no link to the source and many of those are altered from the original. You people don't have a clue about climate change and your heroes lie and cherry pick data so it says the opposite of what the original papers say.
For Christ's sake Maxx how many times have you posted you great warming swindle vid when willie soon one of the principles has receive well over a million dollars from big oil. That doesn't prove sh*t
You want graphs
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"your heroes lie and cherry pick data" Unlike Mike Mann with his hockey stick? Or James Hansen with all of his predictions? Or Phil Jones losing his data when a FOIA request is made? Or the IPCC positing pipedreams about the Himalayen glaciers as fact?
We're having warm snaps? Floods? Hurricanes tornadoes etc? OMG the world is gonna end!!!! What new natural disasters will come next? Will we start getting fire rain? Will we get upward rains?
Oh wait, all of those things, other than the last two put in for fun grins, have happened since the beginning of time. Point in fact the general frequency and intensity have been trending down of late and NOT up.
Once I start seeing ACCURATE predictive models then I will begin to believe these guys know enough about the subject to justify some of the policy changes.
I don't think the earth is cooling. I think it is warming slightly.
But I imagine that you will have the global cooling stuff as long as you have the world is going to end crap. In fact, with crap movies like "The Day After Tomorrow", there are a bunch of people pretending that CO2 is going to cause another ice age. Some of the people on YOUR side have said this.
And for all of the linear regressions and temp data that the warmers have shown me, I can agree that there is warming, BUT I have seen nothing that would indicate exponential warming.
In fact, if you all believe in this exponential warming so much, I have to wonder why you would direct me to a link that used linear regression. LOL. SERIOUSLY!!!
Again the facts are displayed with the Royal Society and the United States National Academy of Sciences:
" ... The report, released on Thursday, addresses new issues such as the recent slowing in the increase of world temperatures and how heat-trapping gases are connected to extreme weather. Increases in extreme weather, melting glaciers, rising seas and oceans getting more acidic are already happening, the 36-page report said. ... "
Nothing new in their report.
" ... And those changes "are expected to increase greater warming and will threaten food production, freshwater supplies, coastal infrastructure and especially the welfare of the huge population currently living in low-lying areas," the report said. ... "
All of these things have happened before in history.
" ... The report said that while the rate of warming is slower in the 2000s than it was in the 1990s it doesn't negate the 150 years of observations that show the world is warming. The report also says that more the 90 percent of the heat trapped by greenhouse gases lately has been absorbed into the oceans' deep water, which for a while slows surface warming but not the long-term trend. ... "
1) The National Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society have been in repeat mode since 1988. 2) 150 years of observations? Let's try 25 years and stop exaggerating that science has been as intently involved in climate science for 150 years. 3) 150 years of warming? They would have to leave out all of the cooling periods. Right? 4) Where is that deep ocean warming located?
Same old scientific jargon C.
Lest we forget who Seth Borenstein is? "Mister Climate Emergency" himself maybe?
The science isn't settled because the same organizations keep repeating the same old information that is terribly biased in the first place.
#Time series (hadcrut4) from 1850 to 2014 #Selected data from 2001 #Least squares trend line; slope = -0.00105415 per year
As an aside, even the more logically challenged might be able to work out from that graph how you can have the warmest year on record while the trend is falling. But I am not holding my breath. They have an agenda to maintain.