Atheists believe the bible is a big giant hoax, so why don't they prove it untrue by duplicating the hoax?

That's how hoaxes are exposed. James Randi exposed Uri Geller as a hoaxer by duplicating his spoon bending trick. Pharaoh's magicians attempted to do the same thing with Moses (Ex 7:10-12), (although when it came to the lice "trick" they owned up on that one being from God; Ex 8:18-19).

All an atheist would need to do is write a short essay about morals and such, throw in some ridiculously fantastic miracles they or their friends did in it (like walking on water, raising the dead, feeding over 5000 people with a kid's sack lunch), make copies, give them to friends and even the press, and then just wait for the inevitable religious following of thousands and eventually millions.

Now no one is saying one can't get a big religious following by writing something religious like Mohammed (Islam) and Joseph Smith (Mormonism) did, but those guys didn't mention any miracles they or their friends did in their works.

The atheists in this forum seem so eager to want to disprove Christianity, but refuse to use the time-tested way of showing how something is a hoax--by duplicating the hoax. Why is that?


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You're not serious, are you?

"If you think the big bang is a hoax, why don't you just duplicate it?"
Would you like some logic with that crazy?


Randi wasn't all that bright. Thinking that if you are able to fake something, that "proves" the original thing was a hoax, is a huge logic fail, and yet people seem to accept it anyway.

Many, many books and essays and stories have been written about morals and such, and fantastic miracles, and copies have been made, distributed and have gathered major amounts of followers. The Bible is not unique in this regard. I would recommend you read more things, especially fiction. You might try Lord of the Rings -- the series has all the narrative elements you mentioned above, plus thousands of fans. Some people even believe the books had a basis in reality -- so much for telling fantasy from reality!


For a couple reasons. For one, even though I don't think that any religion is true, I don't have anything against most of them. Especially Christianity. Why would I try to make people stop believing in something that makes them happy, even if it isn't true? Another reason is because people used to be much more ignorant than they are. We understand so much more about the world now. The only reason these claims still exist is because of how popular Christianity has been for such a long time. If these kinds of claims were to be made today, and people weren't so used to it, nobody would believe it. But if you backed up a few hundred years and made something similar to the Bible, I think you would get similar results.


Shocking question, , hardly worth a response. .. we evolved from common ancestors of chimpanzees. .. we developed larger brains after a few millions of years and thought the sun and moon were gods and became more self aware and question things... we EVOLVED. 5000 years ago man thought the earth was flat, worshipped many many gods because life at first look appears to be created. We now clearly understand evolution by non random selection. Here is something that almost everyone must believe. .. mormanism was written in 1800s by a know charlatan and con man and managed to create a cult some serious wacky beliefs. That's a hoax.... if understand anything about religion you'd know that's a hoax.... rather than make up another wacky story lets focus on science and the interesting things it can tell us...


Kumaré is a documentary about a man who impersonates a wise Indian Guru and builds a following in Arizona.


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