Conservative Christians, What country would you move to if you (hypothetically) had to leave America?

Usually, Conservative Christians skate around the question without leaving a simple answer.

Name a country, grow a friggin pair. Pretend that all of our nuke sites were compromised and you have 3 days to get out of the country.

I can name 20 countries that i could/would move to.


Favorite Answer

You'd never get out in three days. (Well, I could, but Canada wouldn't be safe if the USA wasn't safe.) Besides, I'm not afraid to die.

And I think I'll decline to "grow a friggin' pair" -- Can you hear my eyes rolling?



☦Angel 4 Truth☦2014-03-06T19:35:13Z



Russia and Uganda are really the only options for a country that would be MORE Christian than the US. And Christians wouldn't want to be near nonwhites, so Russia it is.


I really don't know. Some place I could afford that speaks English I suppose. My second favorite country is England. I love their history and architecture. Beautiful country.

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