Adolf was not even a Hitler?

I have heard of this guy all my life! I was raised by people who were in World War II- I have had War Comics and movies stuffed down me since I was a kid, like they were Essential Food Supplements!

So how come I happened to read a CHANCE REFERENCE in a COMIC BOOK, of all things (a Captain America line from an AVENGERS retcon,), that "HITLER" was NOT EVEN HIS REAL NAME?

In the Comic, the character was lecturing a street gang on the Second World War, and asserted that Adolf's ACTUAL surname was "SCHICKLGRUBER," and he changed it to "Hitler."

Internet is not as readily accessible as it should b in my part of my country- I fell asleep last night, waiting for the WIKIPEDIA page to load- then woke up and closed the page to check the time, before I remembered I hadn't saved the page, yet. Not having electricity to charge my phone all day, only now could I get online.

It emerges that Adolf's dad, ALOIS, was born out of wedlock to one MARIA ANNA SCHICKLGRUBER, and that when he was five years old, JOHAAN GEORG HIEDLER married his mother, but he did not start using his surname until he was 39, in 1876, previously going by his birth name, Schicklgruber. He had his birth certificate changed to legitimize him.

This means that there is not even any proof that Adolf Hitler himself was a pure-blooded Aryan! Whereas he had people put to death for not having better proof of his Aryan pedigree than he did!

Since Adolf was born in 1889, he should not have been using the name "Schicklgruber." How would THAT have worked? Therefore, MARVEL Comics seem to be guilty of poor research and disinformation.

Could this have been Allies' Propaganda Indoctrination during that time period? A "Canary Trap" of sorts? Perhaps a Nazi loyalist, upon hearing their Fuhrer so slandered, might be provoked into reacting, and revealing that they knew more about Hitler than an average American should have known- so exposing themselves? (*Oops!*) In which case, it would have been brilliant writing, to show that soldiers didn't always have their facts correct.

How come we NEVER heard about this fact that ought to come up EVERY TIME that Adolf Hitler, Nazis, Aryan Supremacy, and the Holocaust come up? How can people let this be "swept under the rug," and forgotten?


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The Schicklgruber/Hiedler story is well kown. What is less known is that the "Aryan master race" theory and race hygiene is an American invention. It was first published by Madison Grant, founder of the New York Zoo, in 1916 in his book: "The Passing of the Great Race". Hitler read the book during his prison time in Landsberg and consecutively sent Grant a letter, calling the book his "bible". Hitler was a great fan of the blond and bue eyed master race theory, but in practice he was less restrictive than other states wth earlier race hygiene legislation, like Canada, Sweden or California. Canada and Sweden, after having released them in 1907, abandoned their laws to protect the Aryan master race in 1976 by the way.


Well no. His father was illegitimate. He had the surname of his mother which was Schicklgruber. Johann Georg Hiedler then married Maria Schicklgruber and gave hitler's father Alois, his surname so Alois Schicklgruber became Alois Hiedler. When the new baptismal certificate was written up, a priest then made the change from Johann Georg Hiedler to Georg Hitler. So, Alois began using the last name hitler. It is possible that Georg Hiedler was the real father or his brother Johann Nepomuk may have been the real father. Alois was raised in Johann Nepomuk's home.

So in one knows what hitlers last name would have been going by the standard naming practice. Many people who study this believe Johann Nepomuk Hiedler was the real father of Alois and that would have made Alois and Adolph both having the last name "Hiedler" which is close anyway.

Hitlers name was always hitler from the moment of his birth though.


So what's the question?
I suspect you're referring to the name Schicklgruber; his father Alois was born Aois Schicklgruber on June 7, 1837 to Maria Anna Schicklgruber. At the time of Alois' birth, Maria was not yet married. Five years later (May 10, 1842), Maria Anna Schicklgruber married Johann Georg Hiedler.


Incorrect. Adolf Hitler's name was always Hitler. Adolf's father, Alois, was illegitimate, his father not being listed on the birth certificate, and grew up with the name Shicklegruber. When he was a boy his mother married a man named Johan Heidler who may have been Alois' father. In the 1870s, before Adolf was born, Alois petitioned to change his name to that of his step father and began using a modified spelling of it, Hitler, from then on. Adolf always bore the surname Hitler. It never comes up because it's not important. It's a historical curiosity and has no real impact on the wider events of Hitler's life.


He slaughtered fellow Aryans The Romani.... Also in fact its with them he started, and perfected the methods that he would later use on the Jew.
It is the name of the man that sanctioned the deed that is important The name he was known by. Adolf Hitler.... Monster and perpetrator of Genocide. His deeds are the thing mankind should learn by. not his former name, either real or invented Mankind should have learned from such attrocities. Sadly it's all happening again slowly but surely... and right under the noses of an ignoring Europe currently... Just like before....,d.Yms&cad=rja

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