What is stopping foreign interests like China, India or the Saudis from donating to campaigns that will push their interests in the USA?

Mr. Smartypants2014-04-02T10:19:55Z

Favorite Answer

It's against the law for candidates to accept money from foreign sources. But over the years we've done away with limits or the requirement for disclosure. So they could donate as much as they want, secretly, or in the name of some big American corporation.


The same thing that was stopping them yesterday. It is illegal.

Was it always stopped yesterday? Nope. The Obama campaign as well as the past Bill Clinton campaigns were found to have received funds from such (although in interesting manners to circumvent the law).

We do not limit the liberty of this nations citizens because foreign people might attempt to take advantage of that freedom in their illegal activity. (IE. it is a bad argument to use as to this issue).


It violates Federal election law. That is until the Supreme Court can find some way to declare that they should have the same free speech rights as American corporations.


Absolutely nothing, if they purchase a majority of the shares of an American corporation,sorry, American corpoperson....Way to go, conservatives and libertarians! Sell us out to foreign interests, hoo-rah for you.


Why didn't you mention Mexico ?

besides, it's against Federal law.

Unless you're Bill Clinton and figure out a way to get it done under the table that is

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