If science created/discovered a cure for death, will god and religion die?

If death was no longer a thing to fear because of the advances of science, will the concept of god and religion eventually fade away?


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Doubt it. There's a SF book, I forgot the title, where Christians who reject science-made immortality build virtual reality heavens and hells so they can live out their beliefs in a fantasy computer world. I can totally see that happening.


I read, a while back, an article (in a respected newspaper) with the headline: "2050 - and immortality is in our grasp".

The idea was that with Moore's Law (i.e. the exponential growth in technological advancements vs size and cost) it is not inconceivable that they would be able to upload our brains knowledge to a mainframe.

Far out? Yes, a little. But it just opens your mind to the possibilities and I find that exciting.

In any case we ought to worry about the Sun going out and even the ultimate fate of our universe (if physicists are correct then it's going to get a lot cooler, I think it was cosmologist Lawrence Krauss who said: "We live in the worst of all possible universes"!)

Okay I know it's BILLIONS of years away and humans won't even be around then but still...

From The Yaho0 Censorship Committee2014-04-22T17:07:40Z

This question is way to complicated for some people. Some answerers don't even realize that they're going to die eventually. You have to start with the basics when you ask a question in the religion section.

And no, religion would continue.


thats the whole unstated goal of it isnt it .. 'become gods' and live forever .. the bible has a thing or two to say about that and imo thats a sign the end is upon us, God wont stand for that kind of thing .. but go for it, lets get it over with ..


That would be the day. Science would have finally caught up with Christianity. We already have a cure for death. Its Jesus.

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