How can I get a friend to stop asking for my stuff that she likes and wants?

She begs and thinks I should give "it" to her because we are "best friends". And when I tell her no, she puts her nose in the air saying, "but I'm your best friend". I've tried to make her realize that she's being rude and shouldn't ask me for my stuff, trying to use
the "but I really like it an I'm your best friend" ploy.

Surfer Girl2014-06-05T18:13:56Z

Favorite Answer

Tell her this (I've had to deal with this before)
"If you're really my friend you like me for my personality, and not what I own" or
"If you want it so bad, I'll tell you the store I got it from and you can buy it yourself" and if she says something like are we're not best friends or something? say
"If you don't want to be friends because I won't give you my stuff than that's your problem"
I hope that helps and good luck!
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well be like, thats ok, I already put that on my butthole so I dont think you should put it in ur nose..and tell her not to behave so greedily.


she probably not your best friend...