Is the ongoing BOKO HARAM Terrorist Situation not Satan Testing the value or not of African Christianity?

In The Bible, worshippers of God were invincible warriors, able to defeat numerically and technologically superior forces with inferior or no weapons at all.

The most interesting sitiations depicted would be the situations where victories were won without a single drop of bloodshed- or even the raising of one's voice.

For instance, the two Messengers of God to Sodom prevented the lynch mob trying to attack Lot from being able to perceive his door- which was right before them.

Patriarch JOSEPH and Prophet DANIEL rose from Slave to Prime Minister, through the mastery of DREAMING- one aspect of which is the ability to PROJECT specific Dreams into a target person's mind..

The Prophet Elisha used ESP to discover Enemy Troop Deployment, and saved his king's life several times. He JEDI-MIND TRICKED a regiment come to arrest him into NON-VIOLENT CAPTURE, without injuring anyone.

. JOHN 5:17-20.

JESUS EXPLAINED that The Source of his Powers was that GOD HIS FATHER had SHOWN him what HE could do, and THIS SHOWING enabled Jesus to do the same things.

A NON-WORSHIPPER, or FALSE WORSHIPPER of God could NEVER extract any practical information from that Sacred Teaching. Therefore, Bible Worshippers have been Doormats and Toilet Seats for Evil Oppressors since the time of JOSHUA:

. JOSHUA 1:8.

Had they been faithful, THEY would've SEEN how to use Biblical Powers to save themselves.

. MATTHEW 22:1-14.

MY EXPERIENCE is that they prefer to laugh at those warning them.


No. Boko Haram is a paid militia group selected by the CIA to stir up conflict in Nigeria to cover up an attempt to take over Nigerian resources and also used by the Obama Administration to distract public attention from the Benghazi scandal.


Is the the mass Christians leaving religion ain USA and Europe not a test from god to see how much their faith is in religion?


True, it's not "Satan" and it's not "African Christianity" either. Boko Haram are part of the Salafi movement of Sunni Islam.

Wanna try asking a coherent question now...without the babbling, proselytizing, & copy/pasting?