Do YQ&As apply the same rules in all countries? Just wondering how a "rant" (question) with vile language is permitted to "post", but a?

benign anwer spoken in "peace" can be reported as "abuse". I mistakenly answered a "Canadian" Yahoo user, griping about the Obama administration, with a generic answer, that, of course, did not "agree" with his rude, disrespectful question.
(I am not here to make "points", so that is not the reason for my question) Just sayin', it seems strange.

Attila the Hon2014-06-23T05:33:38Z

Favorite Answer

It isn't a matter of rules, it's a matter of someone who doesn't like your question or answer reporting it. Ridiculous, but that's the way it is unfortunately.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2014-06-23T05:07:23Z

The rules are the same. The post isn't "allowed" in any real sense. There is no monitoring before a question posts. The question simply wasn't reported by other users enough and your answer was. If there was no real question in the posting, you should simply report it and move on. Posting a response that could be viewed as a NON-answer to the non-question would be a valid violation. We aren't here to argue or discuss opposing viewpoints, no matter how often you see it being done. We are here to give helpful answers to questions seeking real, useful knowledge or information.

EDIT: In response to a posted comment, STAFF and the rules of the site determine what we are really here for. Their statement has always been that this is NOT a discussion forum, but a q&a site in which to ask for useful, helpful knowledge or information.


Yes, the rules are the same. If you were reported and feel your answer was not in violation of the Community Guidelines, use the link in the email you received to appeal the removal. If Customer Care agrees they will restore your answer.

But a vile question with bad language and ranting IS against the CM and if reported would be removed.

Since you don't care about points, I'd suggest that, just report the question as a rant.

brian 20102014-06-23T08:29:32Z

Yes. The Community Guidelines govern all versions of Answers, no matter where the account is opened. That means no ranting of any kind is permitted here and you must avoid getting into an argument with another user. Any inflammatory question should be reported instead of it being answered.


Did you try to do a search on Google?