Would I be liable?

I own a business.
I hire a company to perform construction-type work.
The workers doing the job don't wear the necessary safety gear or protection.
One of the workers is injured while working at my place of business.
(The injury could have been prevented if the worker had been wearing the safety gear.)

Because this happened at my business, would I be liable?


If you hire a company you should first have them prove that they have workers' compensation to cover their employees.

Unless the accident caused by your negligence you would generally be in the clear.

Their wearing or not wearing of safety equipment would in most cases not come into play.

Michael E2014-07-11T12:16:24Z

The way you put it, the injury happened on your property. (Do you own or lease?)
The worker needs money for their medical bills, you will be named in any lawsuit (as will the property owner).
If the company that you hired have insurance sufficient to cover the injury, it will fall on you (and your General Liability policy) and on the landowner.

Yes, you are liable for injuries that happen on your property. That;s why you insure that companies that you hire have plenty of insurance and why the land owner requires that you have good insurance.


It depends if it can be proven you were aware of this issue and neglected to resolve it. On its face you're not liable. If someone can prove you knew about this issue and were negligent in providing remedy, it could be a 50/50 liability. It would be very hard to prove you knew though.


No, the person's employer would be.