How do I help an out-of-control teenage grand daughter?


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She could have a problem I would get her into therapy she sounds extremely insecure

Linda R2014-10-06T11:05:25Z

I have a 15-year old grand daughter who thinks the whole family and world hate her. Everyone tells her they love her but she just has to tone down her 'holier than thou' attitude'. She thinks her sisters hate her (the twins are 2-years older) and what they suggest to her is because they care and love her but she thinks all they are doing is picking on her. When her parents give her a 'time to be home from school'....she drags her feet; says she's with friends or will be late coming home. When her parents put their foot down, on her, she says it's not fair. Her sisters, parents, us (grand parents) and an aunt and uncle have had to jump all over her, for her terrible attitude. She starts crying, says she's sorry but 5-minutes later.....she's right back to the bad behavior again. Does anyone think she should see a counselor for help or what can we do to assure her we all love her and we just want her to stop being a brat?


Therapy, family counseling, and put her in a hospital or a steer straight program