Catholic come in and help please~~ I have some question dont understand...?

I was assigned a homework to experience a worship service, and i cannot choose the religion I practice.

SO~ i went to a Catholic church and join their Mass (that's what the church called for their worship service, not sure if it apply to every church, if anyone know please tell me). During the Mass, because im not Catholic, i dont really know the rules/procedures of how they do the Mass. Anyway, I just do whatever everyone did in the church. However, i want to know the meaning of some special they did that other Catholics, which is you all, might know. So here is the questions:

1. Before we reach to the seats, there was a big bowl of water at the entrance, and everyone went to the water, tap a drop of water with the finger and tap it on the forehead. What is the meaning behind this?

2. During the Mass, we pray and sing, and after each singing, i found something strange to me. I guess the priest was praying after each singing. However, the way he pray is weird, his voice has no tone, speak like a robot. I guess there is reason for this?

Sorry for my bad English if you dont really sure what i said or meant. However, thank you for reading this supper long question.


oh, one more questions:

When the mass was about to end, everyone left their seat and come upfront to the staff, and receive a piece of thin cookie. Does anyone knows what the means? or it was just a sharing?

Scarborough Fair2014-10-12T08:47:04Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, it's always called mass.

1. The water is Holy Water or blessed water. We touch it and make the sign of the cross. The sign of the cross starts at the forehead.

2. I am uncertain about #2. There's some variance as to what parts of the liturgy is sung. It's different at different churches and sometimes changes at the same church. Sometimes they speak it and sometimes they sing it. At formal masses, the priest sings much of the liturgy.

Most priests use voice inflection. I know of one who uses a chant all the time. That varies from priest to priest. You might be referring to prayers that are chanted by the priest. It's difficult for me to tell.

I hope this was of some help.


the person at the front can answer all these questions. The rituals are what you saw. It will be much clearer when you are taught what each part signify. Open your mind and it is a good journey.
1. Before we reach to the seats, there was a big bowl of water at the entrance, and everyone went to the water, tap a drop of water with the finger and tap it on the forehead. What is the meaning behind this?
They blesss themselves in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. The sign of the cross.2. I am uncertain about #2. There's some variance as to what parts of the liturgy is sung. It's different at different churches and sometimes changes at the same church. Sometimes they speak it and sometimes they sing it. At formal masses, the priest sings much of the liturgy.
There is a mass card it explain.
This is holy communion.
When the mass was about to end, everyone left their seat and come upfront to the staff, and receive a piece of thin cookie. Does anyone knows what the means? or it was just a sharing?
Go back now and see if you enjoy better.


Welcome to breif Catholicism! That bowl is meant to baptise you, to clean you of sins and to show you are willing to participate in mass, and we make the sign of the cross. I haven't noticed people speaking like robots, so maybe that's just on the preist himself, so IDK what you mean. About half the year, we sing those prayers and we just say them for the other half. I'm sorry if this isn't helpful.

Ki Him2014-10-12T09:23:31Z

this is really helpful!!! Now i have a direction and the keywords to search up more. thank you so much.