is Deism considered kafir or accepted in Islam?


Deism - A philosophical belief in the existence of a god (or goddess) knowable through human reason; especially, a belief in a creator god unaccompanied by any belief in supernatural phenomena or specific religious doctrines.


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Is Deism considered kafir or accepted in Islam?

--- Mostly likely, kafir. Islam makes three basic distinctions.

1) Muslim.
2) People of the Book (specifically said to be Jews, Christians, and Sabeans).
3) Everybody else.

But I'm sure there are at least a few clerics out there who would say that a monotheistic deist meets the criteria of People of the Book....probably depending upon how closely the deist god mimics the Abrahamic God. (Because, like the religious, deists can never agree on their god's qualities either.)


The Muslims I have talked to would not consider me "people of the book".