Astronomy Career?

i'm f 14, and I've always loved the night sky, was always asking questions in my head, and making my little theories since I was very little. I'm not sure what I'd like to do yet, study to become an astrophysicist, or an astronaut. And please don't say things like- Oh everyone your age wants to be an astronaut, and - its not a real job just a fantasy. If all people thought that way, we'd never have gone to space in the first place. I want to go into astronomy because I want to do something big, something that everyone thinks is impossible. So my actual question is if I can study for both careers kind of at the same time, so I can decide which one I'm more into. I love maths and sciences, they are my best grade. I'm Russian so I speak the language, I have the height, the eyesight, the endurance , I'm in good shape, might move to America in a year or two, go to a very hard school, like I'm talking wake up 6 get home at 7:30pm. I'm a bit lazy, and a procrastinator, but I think I can overcome that. Love reading, right now finishing A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking. For an astronaut you have to be in the military, I have my primary firearm licence, and going to get my secondary one when I'm 16. Also how would I be in University, and military? Would I have to do one thing, and then after i'm done it then the other? I don't know if I'll ever qualify, its just been my biggest dream, you know.
