what are the chances of Syria turning into a militia ruled Jihadist paradise if Assad is deposed out of power?


CNN themselves admits that the " moderate " rebels are allying with the al nusra and other islamic rebels.( I personally believe that this has been happening for alot longer then CNN wants to admit). I knew the article includes ideas of a political solution, but but if this is true and the FSA/Al nusra line blurs and a political solution does not happen wont Syria be ruled by Militias like Libya is? and since the islamist are the most powerful wont the islamist find power in Syria opening the door for control with Al Qaeas in Syria ( Al Nusra)?


75/25 in favor I'd guess. You can't go from a strongman military dictator to a democracy in one step, we proved that in Iraq and Afghanistan. The only real hope for a non-extremest government in post-Assad Syria is some sort of coalition parliament or a western/UN backed military junta.


There are many angles on this. One of them is Russia's support of Assad. Assad is resisting the aggression of Sunni Jihadis. Russia is resisting the aggression of Sunni Jihadists in Chechnya. Does Putin send his troops against the enemies of Assad and himself? No. He sends them against Ukrainians who want to continue to be Ukrainians. How strange it is that I should have read "Alice in Wonderland" as a child, but only encounter it in reality as an old man


The words jihadist and paradise don't belong in the same sentence. There is NO violence in paradise.

