Why don't we abandon the terms "political correctness" and "politically correct"?

After looking at some of the posts on this site, it seems obvious that everybody is sick of "political correctness". Why don't we go back to the old way of simply respecting each other. And then if I use a word that hurts your feelings, it's your fault for being oversensitive.


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Boundaries and differences are becoming more blurred or open. With this comes with the correct political terms or else it may be deemed as "offensive". It may become a news story or a law suit. I think the new generation of raising kids has become a joke...healthy discipline has become new age like or give the kid all the power most of the time. Say all the nice, pat things that are not necessarily constructive feedback or else you will be deemed intolerable or discriminatory..sigh. I agree with you.


It isn't just about insensitive speech though. It's actually more about thought control. There are simply certain topics that aren't even allowed to be debated. Political correctness is all about framing the debate, defining the allowable range of acceptable opinion. If you believe in innate biological differences between the races based on sound Darwinian evolutionary theory, regardless of how sensitively you express yourself, you are considered a heretic for example. It doesn't matter if something is true, or plausibly debatable, it matters if it's "correct", that it conforms to the orthodoxy.

Tony RB2015-08-29T14:30:26Z

"Why don't we go back to the old way of simply respecting each other."

Look at the people who keep making rants whining about "political correctness" and "politically correct" - those people are always making insulting remarks and they resent being called out on those remarks.


No one uses that word except people who get called out on their bigotry. Seriously, have you ever heard someone who was being discriminated against use the word? Nope. It's just a buzzword for bigots.


wow, wow, wow....we're on the same page. I'm right there with you. I haven't figured out how to do that unless we just don't follow CA and places like Harvard like sheep as far as their universities changing the dictionary.

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