Which nickname do you like for better for Adelaide?

Addie or Lady.

I just recently added Adelaide to my favorite girl’s name list but can’t decide which nickname I like better for it, so I was curious to see what nickname others like better.


hermione ツ2015-09-30T13:49:33Z

Favorite Answer

I adore Adelaide, but I despise the nickname Addie- it sounds so masculine and generic when Adelaide is so elegant and stunning. I'm going to have o go against the majority and say Lady on this one, surprisingly I find it a lot more appealing than Addie.

If you're open to suggestions, I think Ada makes a lovely nickname for Adelaide.


Addie or Addy sound better, in my opinion! Lady is something that sounds like more of a pet name, or more of something parents would nickname their children. Addie and Addy are names that can be used more widely (by everyone). Plus, they're rather beautiful!


I think Addie sounds better than Lady. I think Lady sounds more like a pet's name.

Although Addison is much cuter than Adelaide, but still has the nickname Addie.


Definitely Addie, as Lady sounds more like a dog's name or an old woman's name to me. I love the name Adelaide by the way!



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