Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

I have never personally had a paranormal experience. My grandfather and my father have had experiences, but my father is still skeptical. I am not the kind of person that is just going to make up a fake story to sound interesting, I've never had an experience before. Have you? If so please share your experience.


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I have had an experience that MAY have been paranormal.
My cousin had just passed away and we were at his mother's house after the funeral for dinner. We were all sitting around, sharing stories about him, when the microwave started beeping and the cupboard door opened and slammed shut. It didn't open much, so it very well could have been a breeze in the old house. But his mom took it to mean that he was still there and that he was giving her support. Nobody questioned that is was him, because it was something that comforted his mom at the time. I don't know if I would guarantee it was paranormal, but it is the only story I have relating to that subject.


I'm not being nasty to you here, but this is the paranormal section. Lots of people have written about strange things. It's just that it will mean rewriting a whole episode, when you could simply read through posts. I appreciate that you said you never had an experience before, rather than come out with tales of being able to control air, like some of the younger people do. If anything strange happens to you, don't be too quick to blame it on the light reflecting off Venus, one of the atheists favourites.


You might have had paranormal experiences, but are repressing them, That is what I realized about myself after I started keeping a list of any and all experiences that are unusual. I thought the lis t would only be 3 or 4 items long. To my surprise the list grow over time to over 20. The list unlocked a lot of repressed and forgotten memories.

So you might want to keep a list in an email draft or a notepad file of any thing paranormal, ESP, ghosts, crytpzoology, ect.. See if that helps.

Tim M2015-10-14T21:22:22Z

Strange things can and do happen at times and it can be that numerous individuals come to share in such experiences. That this is such a widespread phenomenon, you do have to wonder just what may be going on ? I have had my own personal experiences over the years and most all of them I did not go looking for. Not only that but I was not even a complete believer of such happenings but after a couple that took me by surprise, I could not ignore it any longer. I had to accept that there is more just beneath the surface that we do not immediately understand. This world is full of mystery but until someone has an experience for themselves, they really have no idea just how it feels to be confronted with this curious aspect to our existence. Take care.


About fifty years ago i was traveling in a different state . I had too much to drink. I was on the highway and seeing one line in triplicate. I realized that but i still continued on. All of a sudden my car went dead. I rolled over to the breakdown lane and stopped. I tried starting it again , nothing. I slept for a couple of hours and then turned the key and it started and everything worked. I started driving and realized i had been heading in the wrong direction.Turned around and made it back to the hotel and never had any problem with the car ever even years. I have always thought of that experience as someone up there helped me .

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