Do you ever get a whole bunch of your old questions/answers deleted at once?
and then ur left wondering who was bored enough to go through all of ur old questions/answers and report them
and then ur left wondering who was bored enough to go through all of ur old questions/answers and report them
Variable 46
Favorite Answer
Yes, about two years ago I think several of the self-appointed Site Police on here seemed to come into "trusted member status" and began reporting all manner of minor and harmless "violations," at least as they perceived violations to be. They even bragged about doing so here on this forum, commenting on how "hard they worked" to keep Yahoo Answers a "knowledge-seeking resource" as if it was supposed to be an Encyclopedia instead of a Community (as the Community guidelines say). I have no qualms about reporting trash and as a trusted member myself I will aggressively report pornography, pedophilia, racism, threats and spam.
But I see nothing to be gained by reporting someone who (along with a picture) asks "What color are my eyes?" (which according to the Site Police is a chat violation) instead of asking "What color are THESE eyes?" (which according to the Site Police is a proper knowledge seeking question). I started responding decisively along the lines of "easing up on the reporting because it is driving too many good people off the venue" and that earned me the ire of the Site Police, and at least a couple responded by going through my thousands of answers and reported about 20 or 30 of them. Wow. THAT hurt...! I can only imagine how many hours that took, ha, ha.
I've had questions removed, I've had answers removed, I've appealed, I've had my appeals turned down, I live with it. May I suggest you do the same and move on?
Omg yes
No,because my activities are private for that very reason.