Why do inconsiderate people have to tell Y!A users to use Google? Can you not, please? Any legit reason other than trolling/stupidity?

"Oh, this guy also posted a question. Lemme just copy and paste it into google then send 'em a link to google." That, or "This link popped up on google, so it should be trustworthy. They can take it from there." You ignorant people seriously are starting to piss me off. Not only do you assume the questioner didn't try using Google, the most used search engine, you also take your responsibility of answering a question and putting it back into the questioner's court. "You want to know what a meteor vs. a meteorite is? I could tell you, but here's a dictionary instead. Go use your time wisely" It's the same concept, and most can say you're a jerk if you say this, especially on a site like Y!A. I am honestly curious what goes on in your tiny brains, so go on and answer without referring to google.


Because you are wasting answerers' time by posting dumb questions that you can get the answer yourself using search engines.

I don't know about your questions but the times I've seen answers that suggest Google, the question should not have been posted on Yahoo!