Is it normal for your husband to feel guilty about leaving his ex wife to raise their child alone?


Yes, he'd have to be a narcissistic sociopath to not feel any type of guilt regardless of his relationship with his wife.

No mentally sane person would marry someone and have a child with the intent of leaving. No mentally sane person would think that action would not have a negatively emotional and psychological impact on the family being left.

It's been proven that it's psychological damaging for children who come from broken families, it's a scientific fact that they will have many more problems than a family member who instead leaves through natural death for example.
So if a parent knows all of this, knows that their child is sad and misses them, they'd have to have some type of mental illness that makes them unable to feel empathy to be okay with it.


Not sure what's normal. It certainly didn't bother my ex wife, to leave me to raise out 4 girls, alone!!


For a man who cares about his children - and who cares for right or wrong ... it is normal for him to feel guilty.

Dr. Stephanie2017-04-16T23:54:55Z

Often. Regardless of whatever went wrong in their relationship, his kids are still his kids and his role as a father has become more challenging to fulfill. Sometimes, a parent of either gender will decide to remain in an unhappy marriage until the kids are grown, for their sake. If he can see his kids and continue to have a meaningful relationship with them, it will help. And, it just may be better for them compared to living in an unhappy home with both parents. Good wishes,

i + i2017-04-16T23:37:34Z
