Doghouse for power chewer?

My large male Doberman is a power chewer. Plastic doghouses are nothing for him. He needs a doghouse for his yard that is strong enough and chew resistant. Any ideas? He broke loose from his crate when he was a puppy and did this. He has to stay outside when I'm at work now. He's much more settled down, but still likes to chew.


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This dog needs about 10 times the exercise he normally gets daily. A bored dog is very destructive, as YOU know. Take up bike riding or skateboarding & run this dog a few miles a couple of times a day. He has pent up energy & his destruction proves that.

I have dog houses made out of straw bales. Don't think a dog would want to chew on straw. Many ways to make a straw bale dog house using 8 to 10 bales of straw.

ADDED> Try Deer Antler, a long lasting chew for a dog. I used to go to the mountains & collect my own supply of antlers. Stores sell them in pieces, so get the biggest one you can find. I also buy whole beef knuckle bones.


i think your dog feeling stress out more sometimes if they chew up everything means the dog is stressing out and being bored .you need to take your dog outside to the park where has many other dogs and make some dogs friends and take him out for a good walk long one then for chewing habits you can go take him to the pet store and let him walk around and buy him a strong chewing toys like a chewing dogs robe that has a hard strong knot robe and a big raw meat or beef dogs bone there he will play it and chew on it all day . you should not worried so much . if you feel like he going wreck your whole house .then invited your friends who also have dogs and you all can take the dogs to some where that will keep the dog happy and do some out side sport activites like fetch ball , freebees let the dog chase after it that will change your dog habits .


No dog "needs" to stay outside unless they're working Lifestock Guardian Dogs. If you haven't trained your dog to be housebroken and not chew up things then that's entirely YOUR fault not the dogs.

So NO doghouse would be appropriate. Keep this dog indoors where it belongs. I'm sure your dog is also barking ALL DAY LONG and pissing off your neighbours. Why is that OK with you to be that selfish?

Judging by that photo, though, I think you're full of $hit and just yet another pathetic troll.


HAHAHAHA have fun cleaning up that mess dumbaśs

Nekkid Truth!2017-12-05T17:42:56Z

There is no chew resistant dog houses. Dogs chew when bored. He needs more exercise and training when you are home.

Dog houses are made of either wood or plastic. Both can be chewed. Learn to build a dog house, and replace the chewed sections as needed.

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