Is the Bible practical today?


Although some say that the Bible is old fashioned or non applicable, i personally find that it is the most practical book. For the Bible gives helpful advice on common situations that we still face today. For example, matthew 5:25 says to "be about settling matters quickly". Such advice could be applied to varying situations whether there are problems within family, freinds, spouse, or an organization; but yet it is still useful today


by defintion, if you are a devout reader your answer is "yes' and if not, 'No


The Word of God (The Tree of Life, Light, Love, Wisdom, Understanding and Knowledge) is not only practical it is relevant when considering the needs of mankind today. <t><

🤔 Jay2018-01-03T14:56:08Z

The Bibles have been practical for the charlatan Clergy sine Day One.

From my forthcoming new book.....
"Things I never learned in Catholic schools"....

There are TWO very different Bibles from two very different times and cultures. From the Old Testament we have Ancient Samaritan, Babylonian, Egyptian and Hebrew myth and folklore. In the New Testament we see outright Roman political bullshit from the pre-Catholic Bishops.

Countless Storytellers, Scribes, editors, redactors, forgers and downright charlatans "wrote" the Bibles assembled over a thousand year period.
The politically motivated Quran came a few hundred years later with similar material and plagiarizing from both Bibles.

And then came The Dark Ages where nothing new was written for a thousand years.

Please make an attempt to read any part of the Bible.
You too could become an atheist.

“The best cure for Christianity is to actually read the Bible”
-----Mark Twain


yes tard,

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