What do the denizens of the "rodents" category make of the R&S questions that get dumped on them?


Good grief! Is this is what asking questions is like? It is exhausting, and kind of fun. A whole world tour and new quisine. Who knows where I will end up next?


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I guess their rats are slowly reaching enlightenment, en masse...

Or maybe they're already enlightened! Who knows, maybe rats are what we always should have been, all along... (Guess we'll get there, when we're advanced enough.) :-P


They think someone is being a petty little kid.

The Path of Least Resistance2018-01-24T01:17:09Z

Perhaps they think you are the Pied Piper Sir.

Punkin eater2018-01-24T01:16:17Z

Or travel, Vietnam, PhoQuoc

Edit: there's a good one, diningout, Thai, phuket
Glad someone chose to show us that, I'd overlooked the dining out forum


I suspect they feel similarly to the folks in the "Bologna" category.

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