If I ate oatmeal two meals a day, what kind of vitamin and mineral deficiencies will I have?

Andy C2019-05-17T12:26:55Z

Favorite Answer

C, D, B1, B6, B12, anemias.


If you eat oatmeal 2 meals a day and eat peanut butter bananas and a glass of V8 juice for your third meal you won't be short on any vitamins and minerals and your body will quickly lose fat the oatmeal diet is one of the best diets that you can possibly go on even eating nothing but straight oatmeal your body will get along just fine until you drop that blubber that the average person goes on the oatmeal diet in order to get rid of


You'll have a nice glucose spike so your insulin levels will go up. Grains aren't good for us.

k w2019-05-17T12:24:53Z

go to [ westonaprice dot org ] and learn the truth, never before heard on tv, they know profits, not health/nutrition, nutrition is rarely mentioned, and usually in passing not the main point......


You have google right?

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