What could happen if I get back at my ex boss?

I had horrible boss for about a year.  I got a new job in November.  In January, I went to an out-of-town event where my boss's wife was also RSVP'd on FB.  I had never met the wife before, but I saw her on the RSVP list.  I knew that his wife goes out of town without him often.
I found her at the event, and we hooked up later that night.  I did not tell her that I worked for her husband.  She conveniently omitted the fact that she was even married.
I want so badly to send an email to him saying "your wife is great in bed" and show the selfie I took proving that we met.  But I haven't done it yet, out of fear of professional retaliation, although I can't think of how he would do this.  
So I'm asking on here if anyone can think of something that I didn't think  of.
I did not break any laws, as we were 2 consenting adults, so I'm not worried about legal ramifications.  
I'm not worried about physical retaliation - If he tries to come and hurt me, I'm prepared for that.  
I'm not worried about getting fired from my current job - I work for a small company, and I told my current boss (the owner of the company) what I did, and he thought it was amazing.
Not worried about ruining their marriage either - The wife made the decision to cheat on her husband, so Idc if it ruins their marriage.
So what I'm asking is if there is anything I didn't think about.


No Bozos - I am not asking what your opinion on my definition of "horrible" is.  I'm asking if there is something I did not think of.  Therefore spare me the lectures about the ethics of what I did.  I don't care.  Like I said, we were 2 consenting adults, and adultery is 100% legal.


No Bozos - The point of Y!A is for people to ask questions, and for others to provide answers to those questions.  So if you aren't going to answer the actual questions that are asked, then don't respond.  I don't have any use for your obnoxious, holier-than-thou ranting.


i + i = What REALISTIC things could happen?  Like, can he sabotage my career even though he can't get me fired from my current (much better) job?  Can he get me kicked off of dating websites?  If so, how?  Be specific.


Dr. Stephanie - Maybe I should be the one to tell my ex boss "what goes around comes around".  As I clearly stated, he was a horrible boss and a toxic human.  I didn't ask for advice.  I asked if it could come back to bite me, and you failed to answer that.  So like I already said VERY CLEARLY, spare me the holier-than-thou spiel.


There are many ways in which a person in a higher position can destroy your career without you even being aware of it. Companies that hire people check not just with the references you provide, but also with those you omit - and omitting a direct boss would require an explanation. If you bad-mouth your ex boss at a job interview, in the end, it reflects badly on you.

My advice is - don't risk it. Enjoy knowing in the back of your mind that you gave the bastard what he deserved, and wear a smug smile any time you see him.


No I think you have it covered. Too bad for him.


That's how you do it. Her husband will find out so just enjoy while you can. Never wear condoms and don't pull out. 


don't worry. it's only a matter of time before her husband finds out. just keep your mouth shut and play dumb. it may work out in your favor.


You have a lot of nerve referring to anyone else as "horrible". Yeah?
Update: I don't care WHAT YOU'RE ASKING. I'm telling you that sleeping with another man's wife is a horrible act and that you should be ashamed of yourself. Instead of seeking advice about  whether you should attack this man's life further, you should be examining your lack of character. YOU suck, your boss was just being himself.

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