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What is your favorite book of the Bible and why?

12 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ezikiel & Ruth

  • Kristy
    Lv 5
    2 decades ago

    Acts, because it's full of crazy things and moves by faster than a lot of the rest of the Bible, and I mean the letters (Paul's etc.) which are basically, here's why you should believe in God/Jesus, and here's what you should do because you believe. Acts=action, and I enjoy that.

    Harry Potter books? I really liked the fourth one, it wasn't well represented by the movie, but if you read it, it's just amazing. :D

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Isaiah. The Bible in Reader's Digest form.

  • 2 decades ago

    Ecclesiastes. Now that was a story. Most of the time in the Bible, the characters seemed larger than life. I found it hard to relate to many of them. But in the Teacher (whom we're meant to think is Solomon, but historians agree he didn't write it) we see a man who doesn't know all the answers. He's looking for meaning in existence, searching with all his heart.

    He even writes, "So I hated life, because the work that is done under the sun is grievious to me." (Eccles 2:17) It's a rare honesty he had, admitting on paper that he hated life. I understood it because of how frustrated I felt in my own search for meaning.

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  • 2 decades ago


    The book speaks to my sprit, heart and my mind in this time and place.

    It gives great comfort to read as Habakkuk brings his compassions to God about his world in his time. I feel the same as I experience my world. As I watch TV news, shows and Hollywood’s ideals and movie practices.

    Source(s): Habakkuk 2:18 – 20, 3:16-19a
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Its not harry potter, there's no best.

    Speak to your pastor for lessons and bible study. How much you like it will highly depend on the parables and applicability in comparing it to your own life.

  • 2 decades ago


    The story about a man who loves a woman. She chooses to leave him and become a whore. She ends up in slavery. He buys her back out because he loves her so much.

    That story illustrated God's love for us in such a powerful way to me when I was a new Christian, I have never forgotten it.

    Thanks for asking.

  • kari
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago


    Its short and sweet, and it seriously motivates me. What other woman would be so dedicated to her mother in law and to God?

    I also like Psalms a lot because so many of them speak to me, even though they were written so long ago.

  • 2 decades ago

    James or Phillipians...both are awesome. They are so motivating, and awesome. They are great also for memorizing. Even though they aren't poetry, they flow like it. Easy to remember, inpsiring to read.

  • 2 decades ago

    John. It is the best book to see Jesus as the God-man. The scripture is amazing. My fvorite scripture from John is...

    John 18:4-6 (NKJV)

    Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them, "Whom are you seeking?" [5] They answered Him, "Jesus of Nazareth." Jesus said to them, "I am He." And Judas, who betrayed Him, also stood with them. [6] Now when He said to them, "I am He," they drew back and fell to the ground.

    The soldiers couldn't touch him. They fell to the ground. Jesus gave himself to them.

  • 2 decades ago

    Esther.Because it tells about a woman's bravery to save her own people

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