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Do you believe the Blessed Virgin Mary was really a virgin?

Please do not be attacking here. This is in no way meant to cause disrespect towards any religious beliefs, nor the bible. It is merely a question.


I apologize, as I should have specified my reference to Immaculate Conception. Forgive me.

Update 2:

bibleprophecy: The Q is "Do you believe" I would like your opinion, not copy (cop-out)/paste from scripture. Any words of your own to share?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, I do. With every fiber of my being, I believe that she was, is, and always will be The Virgin Mary.

    I can offer you no proof, and it isn't in the Bible, but I believe.

  • 2 decades ago

    I do not believe shw as a virgin.. I believe she had to be a virgin to be accepted by polytheistic heathens that would not accept a "soiled" mother of a God.. Most pagan religions during that time and before had deities born without carnal encounters.. The idea of the "immaculate conception" was a repeating themes of other worships, so to "keep up with the jones' " the mother of the new messiah had to be "without sin"..

  • 2 decades ago

    At the time she was Pregnant for Jesus oh yeah totally considering the Males pass original Sin of Adam to children but Females do not.

    So Mary had to be Pregnant through a Virgin Birth in order for Jesus to be born without Sin.

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe that she was born a virgin and eventually lost her virginity. I do not believe that she remained a virgin until her death. If you are asking about Immaculate Conception, I'm on the fence. But, I have to concede that it was possible. All things are possible with God.

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Catholic Church believes Mary became a perpetual virgin and had no different newborn than Jesus. In oriental worldwide places, nonetheless those days, "brother" has a miles better which potential than in English : cousin, relative, distant relatives, chum, etc. Jesus became born in an oriental u . s .. The Catholic Church believes that as quickly as James is asserted as Jesus' "brother" interior the Bible, it potential cousin or relative. James would additionally be a son from Joseph from a prior mariage, or an observed son. whether, by way of passage in John 19, James is maximum in all likelihood purely a relative or chum of Jesus : John 19, 25-27 "status by potential of the pass of Jesus have been his mom and his mom's sister, Mary the spouse of Clopas, and Mary of Magdala. while Jesus observed his mom and the disciple there whom he enjoyed, he stated to his mom, "woman, behold, your son." Then he stated to the disciple, "Behold, your mom." And from that hour the disciple took her into his homestead." If Mary had had different infants, there would have been no choose for Jesus to entrust Mary to John. yet another newborn of Mary would have dealt with Mary after the loss of life of Jesus. If Jesus stated that, it maximum in all likelihood became by way of fact Mary had no different newborn. Jesus is Mary's only newborn. Mary became a perpetual virgin.

  • 2 decades ago

    The marian cult was established by council (that means scholars deciding if she was or was not to be worshiped) hudreds of years after jesus died.

    In the same council they decided wether she was a virgin or not.

    And besides, the word for young woman and virgin is the same in aramaic (and mary was 16, I stand for the first).

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Does it matter?

    There have been many instances of virgins conceiving and their babies were not holy.

    If the sperm lands close to the vagina it sometimes, although rare, can travel into the vagina and cause pregnancy.

    I don't know what happened exactly to the virgin Mary and neither does anyone else. And it is not important what anyone else here believes either.

  • 2 decades ago

    Yes, when Jesus was born, she was still a virgin. Afterwards, she had some children with her husband. But the important part is that Jesus was born of a woman who had never been with a man.

  • 2 decades ago

    No. Most of the great Greek/Roman philosophers were said to have come from virgin births to give their writings credence. Those that made up the story of Jesus did the same thing borrowing from them.

    Source(s): The History Channel
  • 2 decades ago

    she was a virgin at one time . . . but she lost her virginity after the birth of Jesus . . . (if you believe that Christ was conceived by holy spirit).

    Jesus has brother . . . biological siblings . . . those were not conceived by holy spirit . . . those were done the old fashion way . . . so if she didn't lose it before . . . she lost it then . . .

    Also . . . everyone in the world starts off as a virgin . . . unless a pervert got his or her hands on them while they were young.

  • 2 decades ago

    Matt.1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, BEFORE THEY CAME TOGETHER, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

    Pat (ndbpsa)

    Source(s): Holy Bible
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