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indian guy asked in PetsOther - Pets · 2 decades ago

pets for vegetarians?

i really would love to have a dog but my dad keeps saying no because we are vegetarians and we cannot touch non-veg food....and dog foods contain mostly meat and stuff. does anybody have any idea if there are any foods for dogs that are vegetarian and if these are good for dogs?

10 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dogs need food that is high in protein. Theoretically, this protien could be supplied by soybeans or something instead of meat... I am not aware of any commercially-available "vegetarian" dog foods though.

    I don't recommend trying to make your own homemade dog food out of tofu or something- there are also vitamins and enzymes dogs need in addition to protein that is synthesized into dog kibble, that would be almost impossible to replicate yourself in the correct ratios.

    Maybe you could try getting a pet that is also a vegetarian? How about a rabbit? Contrary to popular belief, they really are a lot of fun, and do know how to play. There are also birds... I think fish and turtles and reptiles eat sea creatures though, so they might not work.

    Or, if your dad's objection is just to "touching" non-veg food, I guess you could always put on gloves! : )

  • 2 decades ago

    This web page has good info on feeding dogs vegetarian food, If you do choose this option then the best dog food is by Natural balance. I was a vegetarian for 10 years and have 3 dogs and 2 cats. I will warn you most of my pets would rather not eat than eat vegetarian. I gave up and feed them regular food. I agree don't impose your beliefs on animals that need meat. Good luck though

    Source(s): pet store manager 3 years
  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I'm a vegetarian and i have 1 cat and 4 dogs and i touch their food but wash my hands afterwards.Aslong as you don't lick your hands after feeding them your still a vegetarian.

    If you feed a dog or cat or any other pet that eats meat a vegetarian diet then they aren't eating naturaly.

    But if you want a vegetarian pet get a rabbit a guinea pig or a mouse or any other rodents

  • 2 decades ago

    actually meat is good for dogs. dogs are carnivores as anyone could tell you. and there are many dog foods that have meat and are good for dogs.

    Diamond dog food manufacturers recently recalled their dog food after reports of dogs dying. the corn was to blame. it wasn't testing to a poisonous toxin. Although this is a rare incident, corn is still nothing more than filler, and holds no nutritional value for dogs. whereas meat gives dogs much needed protein. instead of denying a dog meat, which it's body was biologically made to use, why not get a bunny, they're cute inexpensive and soft. Rats are nice too, they're like mini dogs. easy to train and affectionate, and

    they mostly eat grains and seeds.

    Source(s): diamond dog food info
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  • 2 decades ago

    If you raise a dog from a puppy,feeding only vegetarian meal(such as high protein diet consisting of soy proteins,vegetables,cooked eggs for example) you should not have any trouble. Actually, meat is not good for most animals (including us)due to the chemicals used to feed them on the feed lots these days.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have heard of vegan diets for cats and dogs, but this seems like animal cruelty to me- denying an animal its natural diet because of philisophical issues.

    Good pets for vegans would include:

    - Any rodent- rabbit, guinea pig, rat, chinchilla, etc. (rats are WONDERFUL!)

    - Tortoises

    - Most caged birds

    - Some fish, although most fish are at least partially carniverous and there is usually meat-based protein in many fish foods.

    - Some lizards, like Bearded dragons. (Iguanas are as well, but not a great starter lizard pet- big cages, high temps, etc.)

    The most 'dog-like' would be rabbits, which can be allowed to run around as long as the pellets and chewing issues don't bother you.

  • 2 decades ago

    talk to your vet about kinds of food for dogs that are vegitarian. I get protein form soy meat so maybe dogs can too

  • 2 decades ago

    tell your dad that you will feed the dog and that if you leave for some reason that one of your friends will feed the dog so that he will never have to touch it...... are you vegan or vegetarian it sounds like your dad is vegan

  • 2 decades ago

    Keep Asking

  • 2 decades ago

    your dad is a freak of nature. Don't feed a dog vegetarian foods. Dogs (AND HUMANS) are meat eaters, duh!!

    Source(s): okay, I'm not trying to be a jerk...but so many humans impose their 'beliefs' on animals.....and it just seems ridiculous to me!!
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