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Can two people with different political/religious views get along and make it work? I.e. Christian and Atheist

If say politics and religion are really the only things that a couple can't agree on should they agree to disagree and get married? Or will these underlying issues eventually keep coming up and tear the couple apart. So from a day to day perspective the relationship is fine, but every once in a while these discussions come up. Assuming that both people have strong feelings on the issues.


Let's assume that in agreeing to disagree they also can agree on how to raise the children.

9 Answers

  • keekee
    Lv 4
    2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    My husband and I are of the same religious and political ideals, so we get along great.

    My my best friend of 25 years is Liberal, I am conservative. I am a Christian, she is agnostic. We are as different as night and day when it comes to these things. Why are we best friends still to this day? It's called repect for another's oppinion even if you don't agree. She has opened my eyes to the other side in a non hostile way as I have with her. We love these discussions because we know we can talk about different subjects, and neither one of us gets angry. Because we know the questions are asked for information and not out of attack.

  • rkrell
    Lv 7
    2 decades ago

    If you have really strong feelings about such powerful things then odds are you can't agree to disagree. With all that is going on in the world regarding these two issues you can't help but get drawn into talks about these two things. These are items that are very personal and often cut deep to the core of who someone is. There for when an issue becomes larger than life in the media it will probably do so in your relationship and when you can't hold your tongue because you believe so strongly in something it is likely to rip the two of you apart.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    For a marriage its probably tough but workable. The religion thing probably presents the most challenge.

    For a society point of view its easy. Religions get together all the time, to fight drugs for example. Or negatively, like to fight gay marriage.

    One can be an aethist and still be against abortion for example, so on the social issues people of different religions or ideologies can come to a similar conclusions, and you would hope that people would get along in a marriage.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    Yes you can make it work first thing the people we fall in love with we fall in love with them for reason other than there religion and that speical thing we fell in love with them for we sure dont want it to leave are try and change them are what we fell in love with will not love them anymore we would have to start over looking for another reason to love them and it may not been found. Iam a Bapist and a single parent i did not want my child to be something just because my parent's made me be a Bapist so we go to alot of different church's so she could choose her own and to tell you the truth i have enjoyed them all. If he is an Atheist does not mean he is a bad person he has just got his own view's dont let this come between you two your love for each other is very important if you and him love each other wish i can see you do. Keep taking that day to day apporch that's the best we all can do thinking to far ahead just cause's stress religion not the owe base's of your love. Good Luck

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  • 2 decades ago

    I don't think Christian and atheist would be a compatible mix in the long run. One of them will always try/hope the other will change and this will not be a good foundation for the long run.

    I keep thinking of the old joke about the atheist marrying the agnostic - they divorced because they couldn't agree on which religion NOT to raise the kids in...

  • 2 decades ago

    This doesn't work well, historically.

    OK, you agree to disagree, but- how do you raise the kids? how do you handle days important to one but not the other? Can you PROMISE not to resort to these issues in the heat of a arguement on some other topic?

    Which one sacrifices? Why? How does one sacrifice ANYTHING without becoming a bit resentful?

    Sorry, but a good marriage is based on a foundation of mutual respect and key-issue compatibility- not present in this sort of case.

  • Anonymous
    2 decades ago

    I believe it would be hard to get along if you both strongly disagree with each other. I myself don't believe in religion and I doubt that I could marry a Christian, especially if it's in a church. Marriage itself is a religious act. If you have kids, you'd probably argue over what to teach them.

  • 2 decades ago

    I believe it would come down to unhappiness and trouble.

    2 Cor. 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

    Pat (ndbpsa)

  • 2 decades ago

    This problem will constantly reoccur throughout any relationship if both people strongly believe in their own thing.

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