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Just wondering who has been mistreated at work?!?

I'm sure alot of people have been stepped on at work, well i was wondering what happened to you and how did you handle it?

7 Answers

  • 2 decades ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have been mistreated and dumped on with work and gossipped about because I was for the most part joyful and happy. People at times were blantanly mean to me.

    I used to cry all the way home from my job, I was stressed and overworked, my marraige was suffering befre this my husband could not understand what was so stressful about being a receptionist and clerical person?

    I was threatned by the callers cursed out and called vicious names because "they did not get a check or a bill "and because they did not get what they wanted like a two year old child temper tantrumed to me all day long and I received any where from 200 plus calls a day.

    I spoke with my supervisor who is a guy and even though I told him I did not want to be the receptionist any longer

    and my reason was to get a head and do well that was not the only reason I was tired and I did not want to "play any more meaning" this job wore me out that I was mentally and emaiotnally exhausted and I just did not want to be receptionist anymore.

    I know am in the business 12 years and moving up as hard as it was was the best thing I did I handled it by going forward and not looking back. I did a lot of praying and I wen for counselling and therapy. I also handled it by working my hardest and not getting involoved in the cliques and gossip and I became a stronger person for it. In life not everyone is going to like you. Sometimes God allows us to go through things and allow jobs to get so miserable and difficult so that we will seek a promotion or ask for a new position or seek a new job or carreer. I never regretted what I did to "spritually" stand tall be an upright person with integity.

    Source(s): life expreince therapy counselling and learning to relax and not get so upset.
  • 2 decades ago

    Everyone gets mistreated at work at some point. There is different levels, types and mtter of opinions of mistreatment. My issue of mistreament revolves around my immediate boss. He is old and set in his ways, and defies change. My mistreatment is just being treated rudly. Its rare of him to show respect towards others. I have semi-resolved my dilemna by just pointing out when he does it. Depnding on some levels of mistreatment, if is is bad and all, there is the Human Resources Dept. But most times i found that just discussing it with whomever is the cause tends to help. If they are set in their ways, they may not realize what they are doing. If they do, and it get worse, jut make a call to Human Resources. They can add mediation and try to resolve the problem.

  • 2 decades ago

    I am used everyday. When I started working here, I was working in 2 different departments, now they just shoved them both into one. So I do all the same work, plus extra while dealing with customers too. I used to only answer the phone for either service, or the building, but now I take on both tasks. They won't hire someone else, but this work is really taking a toll on me. Just 2 months ago someone left for maturnaty leave, and they had this one girl I work with do 3 different jobs. It was insane. If they just hired someone to answer the phones, we'd be all set. It's so hard dealing with customers on the phone and in person. Sadly, the way I am handling it is, looking for another job. They will be screwed when I leave and I hope they learn from it...

  • 2 decades ago

    I find there are alot of lazy people in the workforce. I was hired for my current job to do payroll. The receptionist left, so now I do that job as well. Then they found the human resource files were a mess, so that became my job as well. The human resource director is too busy playing video games to maintain the files. I am currently looking for a new job. When I find it, I will be out of here.

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  • Dave
    Lv 6
    2 decades ago

    Every job where I was treated unfairly to the point of intolerability, I have left. I usually try to lock in another position beforehand, but a couple of times, I have walked off the job to fend for myself.

    Some examples per your request:

    Was sent home from Best Buy for having facial stubble. I was in perfect uniform, clean pants, clean shirt, name tag, fresh shower, hair combed.... A missed shaving day wasn't just common, it was the norm. No reason why someone who looked otherwise perfect should have been singled out. I didn't need the job, so I walked out for good.

    Boss (who incidentally was an attorney) gave my paychek to my mother. My MOTHER! No, I wasn't under 18. He fired me when I yelled at him, but I was already going to leave.

    Boss who routinely did PCP in the office with other employees during the overnight shift wrote me up for smoking a cigarette. Found a new job, quit.

    Boss refused to discipline or even speak to a fellow employee who constantly told me (and others) that he wanted to "tickle my doo-dads" at very uncomfortble times---Not that any time would be comfortable. Found a new job, quit.

    Shop Steward called me a Male Chauvinist Pig (still don't know why to this day), complained, was told that was no reason for discipline. Found another job, quit.

    Company had a VERY strict radio station policy. I found the boss' daughter playing an inappropriate channel, I told her to turn it off. She did, but "reported" me to Mommy, and I was disciplined. Found a new job and quit.

  • 2 decades ago

    I worked at CVS pharmacy for a couple months in the pharmacy. It was horrible. The head pharmacist was dating one of the store assistant manangers. The assistant manager was really good buddies with one of the pharmacy technicians...and this technician was a HORRIBLE bi*ch to all the people in the pharmacy that werent in this sort of click they had.

    She would be rude and nasty to me for no reason...she would sit at the back counter and read books and magazines while we others worked out butts off and if you asked her a question she would roll her eyes and talk to you like you were a moron. There were two other pharmacy personell hired when I was, and both of them felt the same way I was a very stressful situation because it was like it was wrong to ask a question.

    She took breaks and chatted on the phone whenever she wanted to and made us others wait for our breaks. I really couldn't stand her!

    Eventually I just quit. It wasn't worth my time or effort to pursue was just a part-time gig for me anyway.

  • 2 decades ago

    I have, & it is shocking considering the population that we work with. We work with people that have developmental disabilities, as well as some who have mental health issues. You would think that people that work there would be kind, & non-judgemental, but it's the complete opposite! If I stick up for myself I get accused of starting trouble; if I keep quiet it is assumed I am "guilty". I get blamed for just about everything, & certain people go out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable. Rumors are spread about me, my car was keyed (TWICE), & people lie to bosses about me. It's been very difficult, but I try to focus on the people we are there to help, rather than the ugly things that go on.

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